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Showing posts from 2013

Story and presence GDC 2013

Story: Theme Setting Characters Plot Narration Story != plot Narrative The end experience in the player What is holding us back here The basic problem is that every game has a sort of box This sort of box is what the player should sort of understand Blackbox approach When you do something you don't do it for the emotional part you do it for the mechanical part So the mechanical game should fit the emotional feel you are trying to get across Neurology The brain just mold and shapes what ever is appraise Our virtue selves being inside of this virtue world. Our self is based on feedback It is possible to manipulate  When something is challenging it hinders our emotional to fully blossom  Axiom 1  Interaction is to create presence  We are playing a virtue representation of the game inside of our heads Axiom 2 Keep systems simple rely on imagination Story interaction merge = narrative Heavy rain chopping off pinky == p

Art Of The Walking Dead GDC talk

Art of the walking dead The art process: every major element started with a concept Tried to recreate what we saw. Handcrafted line work colorful textures Atmospheric lighting Colorful textures: Imprefections detail  Kept it loose illustrative Then variations in the texture Then adding line work Atmospheric lighting Enviro 30k verts  No ssaaol Vertex lighting Limited post processing N HDR Reduced light map sizes Production Created style guides to keep the style universal and effienct Info in style guides allow quick iterations.  Trust in what you do beat as a studio and let that shine as a product.

GDC Good Level Design Talk Notes

Good level design Players should be presented with concurring design that can be done in any order Good level design constantly teaches the player something new Theory of fun The human mind enjoys processing patterns If this pattern (...?) always ends to soon this ends and enjoyment ends Learn to play -- to challenge -- to surprise (cycle) Good level design is surprising Key it fresh by not following in a routine Fun is actually created through uncertainty and constantly putting the player create into (I am not sure how is point ended) Disrupt paradigms Take risks if you want to stand out You grey box it test it as soon as possible Good level design empowers the player   "You should dream no small dreams because they have no power to move the hearts of men." Good level design is easy medium and hard Risk vs reward Easys paths medium paths and hard paths The payers can pick their own difficult dynamically (burnout) By